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You have a store in Addis Ababa?
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If you have a store in Addis, register now your store online and start selling online !
Sell exclusively on main page of your Ethiopian shopping website.
Create a new account on our Business portal Enter your business information and get verified by our team.
Pay 5000 ETB for one year to have a business access on
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Update customer about ready for pickup and confirm order straight on the platform.
Managed all your products on your dashboard seller. Delete your products, change your inventory, modify your stocks.
The business access is cancelable at any time.

Managed all your products on your dashboard seller. Delete your products, change your inventory, modify your stocks.
Add new product by posting an Ad.
Get alerted when you get a new order for one of your product.
Notify customers that you have received the order, and keep the customers automatically updated by using tag in the dashboard.
Keep the customer trust and make it easy online with
We are making promotion for your products on Instagram and Facebook.
10% to 30% commission is added on your final price
Get access on the platform at anytime 24/7
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